Search the database people matching the query
Get a list of the first 30 people who match the search term If there are no items to return error:2 is returned
Path parameters
Method to find the people
all: Return all records. This will ignore the 'query' parameter - suggest you use * there. name: Persons Name id: infoodle profile unique id (the ID you see in their profile page) email: Email address phone: Personal phone number postcode: Post code country: Country hhname: Household or Organisation name hhid: House ID address: Full Address givenum: Giving number BA: Cheque number in transaction CC: Credit card number in transaction RF: Reference number in transaction
Values are
, orRF
. -
The term being searched
The page to return. If not supplied, page 1 is assumed
curl \
--request GET{searchmethod}/{query}/{page} \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
"people": [
"unique_id": 95923,
"url": "",
"title": "Mr",
"firstname": "Alfred Bees and Hives Ltd",
"middlename": "string",
"lastname": "string",
"organisationcontact": "Y",
"gender": "ORGANISATION",
"phone": [
"for": "PERSONAL",
"id": 456,
"type": "work",
"value": "012 123 1234"
"cell": [
"id": 456,
"type": "work",
"value": "012 123 1234"
"email": [
"id": 456,
"type": "work",
"value": "",
"active": 1
"person_image": "string",
"address": {
"houseid": 125,
"organisation": "string",
"householdname": "Alfred Bees and Hives Ltd",
"housenamenum": "The Cottage",
"addressline1": "5 Owens Place",
"addressline2": "string",
"area": "string",
"city": "Mount Maunganui",
"postcode": 3116,
"fax": "string",
"country": "New Zealand",
"formatted": "5 Owens Place\\nMount Maunganui 3116\\nNew Zealand",
"phone": "string",
"phonelabel": "string",
"visible": 1
"date_time_changed_utc": "2019-02-13T01:16:05",
"notes": {
"view": "Y",
"create": "Y"
"person_custom_fields": {
"person_customised_tab_name": {
"person_custom_field": {
"type": "D",
"raw": "string",
"value": "string"
"household_custom_fields": {
"household_custom_field": {}
"connected": [
"unique_id": 67284,
"name": "John Miller",
"type": "Unknown",
"gender": "Male",
"organisationContact": "N",
"person_image": "eflkw2erfWEfsldkfj2dflkmsdcWE...."
"alternate": [
"id": 79,
"unique_id": 61652,
"text": "12 Tekoa Street"
"alternateAddresses": [
"id": 125,
"address_type": "PO Box",
"houseid": 125,
"text": "45 High Street, Lower Valley, AB12 12",
"formatted": "45 High Street\\nLower Valley\\nAB12 12\\nUnited Kingdom",
"organisation": "Bobs Burgers Ltd",
"householdname": "The Smith Family",
"addressline1": "5 Owens Place",
"addressline2": "string",
"addressline3": "string",
"addressline4": "string",
"area": "string",
"city": "Mount Maunganui",
"postcode": 3116,
"fax": "string",
"country": "New Zealand",
"phone": "string",
"phonelabel": "string"
"canEdit": 1,
"last_updated_datetime_utc": "2022-05-17 03:09:58",
"lastUpdatedDatetimeUtcShowLocal": "17 May 2022 15:09"