Get a specific campaign

GET /campaign/{id}

Return a specific campaign. Limited to those the user can see

Path parameters

  • id integer Required

    Which item to be processed

    Minimum value is 0.


  • 200 application/json

    List returned OK

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id integer

      Minimum value is 1.

    • name string
    • Optional - the date this campaign started. Format yyyy-mm-dd

    • end_date string

      Optional - the date this campaign finished. Format yyyy-mm-dd

    • Optional - a unique code for this campaign.

    • Optional - links to a campaign type as a way of categorising campaigns

    • If the user is a clustered login, then this must be supplied. Otherwise its optional but must link to a group the login has access to.

  • 401 application/json

    Authentication unauthorised

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  • 403 application/json

    Invalid permission

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  • 404 application/json

    Not Found

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GET /campaign/{id}
curl \
 --request GET \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
  "id": 123,
  "name": "Donations",
  "description": "All ad-hoc donations generated during the Summer campaign",
  "start_date": "2019-02-13",
  "end_date": "2019-02-13",
  "tracking_tag": "CT5",
  "campaign_type_id": 6,
  "for_group_id": 543
Response examples (401)
  "error": "Unauthorised"
Response examples (403)
  "error": "Invalid Permission"
Response examples (404)
  "error": "Not Found"