Return a list of events

GET /events/bydate/{from_date}/{to_date}/{location}

Search for a list of events using a date range, and location ids This allows for authenticated call - which shows events for the authenticated user, or non-authenticated call which shows only public events, i.e. events that are visible on the iternet.

Path parameters

  • from_date string Required

    The first date to include, YYYY-MM-DD format. Date is local time

  • to_date string Required

    The last date to include, YYYY-MM-DD format. Date is local time

  • location string Required

    A filter based on the connection the logged in user has to the event

    Values are mine, mineandpublic, rostered, public, all, or ids.


GET /events/bydate/{from_date}/{to_date}/{location}
curl \
 --request GET{from_date}/{to_date}/{location} \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
  "events": {
    "id": 68,
    "date": "2022-06-01",
    "dayNumber": 42,
    "dayNumberTh": "1st",
    "dayNameAbbr": "Wed",
    "dayName": "Wednesday",
    "monthNameAbbr": "Jun",
    "monthName": "June",
    "yearNumber": 2022,
    "setupTime24hr": "09:00",
    "startTime24hr": "09:00",
    "endTime24hr": "10:00",
    "packDownTime24hr": "10:00",
    "setupTimeFriendly": "9am",
    "startTimeFriendly": "9am",
    "endTimeFriendly": "10am",
    "packDownTimeFriendly": "10am",
    "show_as_current": "N",
    "title": "Daily Catchup Meeting",
    "allDay": 0,
    "description": "string",
    "passRequired": "N",
    "locationsDecode": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Conference Room",
        "address": "1 High Stret, London, SW1A 1AA"
    "webLink": "",
    "colorCode": "f5324e",
    "availableInvitees": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Staff"