Generate a list of groups. Include any child groups as a part of the list

GET /groups/flatlist/{limit}/{limitvalue}

This outputs a list of each group. Child groups are included as part of the list

Path parameters

  • limit string Required

    A comma list of the limit options. If supplied must have the same comma options as the limitvalues parameter. group_type: The ID of the group type parent: Integer. The ID of the parent group to start the search from. action: Either Y or N visible: Either Y or N content: Either Y or N name: The name (case insentive) for a specific group

    Values are group_type, parent, action, visible, or content.

  • limitvalue string Required

    A comma list of the limit values. If supplied must have the same comma options as the limit parameter.


GET /groups/flatlist/{limit}/{limitvalue}
curl \
 --request GET, visible/310, Y \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
  "groups": [
      "id": 498,
      "name": "Newsletter Mailing List",
      "group_type": {
        "id": 13,
        "name": "Contact & Newsletters"
      "locked": "N",
      "can_see_content": "N",
      "can_do_tasks": "N",
      "membership": {
        "code": "A",
        "text": "Administrator"
      "use_as_visible_to": "N"
  "total_top_level_groups_shown": 1,
  "total_groups_shown": 5